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Archive for March, 2018


The Wind Cries Mary






I haven’t been actively looking to take photographs but this Red-shouldered Hawk out back our double pane windows was worth a try.

Ten days later 3/26/2018 shot outdoors.

Congress is moving quickly to gut the Endangered Species Act, America’s strongest and most important law for protecting wildlife.

The Endangered Species Act has a proven track record of success in providing a safety net that protects our most vulnerable wildlife. It has prevented 99 percent of the species under its care from going extinct, including America’s symbol, the Bald Eagle. We should allow this critical law to continue to protect wildlife for future generations, not undermine it.

­_2017 National Audubon Society



A Red-tail Hawk from 1/6/2018 (another double pain window shot). This winter I found myself surrounded by sweet-gum trees. This could be a Red-shouldered Hawk also, not sure???